сряда, 25 февруари 2015 г.

Mood Changer

Music fills our heart to the point of making it speak for how we really feel. Interestingly, though we do not feel sad at all, we can end up being depressed by just listening to a hard love song. Sometimes, we even realize that we are just pretending to be happy right after hearing depressing music. It comes with very common themes such as death of loved ones, separation, other forms of heartbreak, abuse, unwanted history, or even something petty like a thing that we can never afford to buy and own.

The degree of depression simply varies on how well we can relate with the message of the hard love song. The way it's written and performed also counts, but the feeling evoked is greatly affected by the listeners themselves. We all have our own patterns of mood swings and depressing songs intensify some parts of them. It is so magical that it takes us to a different realm consciously and unconsciously.